AP SSC Class 10 Records Digitization

AP SSC Class 10 Records Digitization from 1969 to 1990 School Education Digitization of all the SSC Class-X records from the year 1969 to 1990

School Education Digitization of all the SSC (Class-X) records from the year 1969 to 1990 with an amount of Rs. 1,68,07,280/- (Rupees One Crore Sixty Eight Lakhs Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Only) under Head of Account: 22020210804280289, and to furnish the SSC Student data from the year 1969 onwards to the Digilocker and to the Skill Development Training Development for the purpose of building an education profile for conducting Skill Census Permission Accorded Orders Issued.

SCHOOL EDUCATION (Exams) DEPARTMENT G.O.Rt.No.510 Dated. 16.12.2024

Read the following:-

1. From the Director of School Education Lr.RC.GE-COORONINT/3/2024-DGE, dated: 16.10.2024
In the circumstances stated by the Director of School Education vide letter read above, Government after careful examination of the matter hereby accord permission to the Director of Govt. Examinations to undertake the Digitization of all the SSC (Class-X) records from the year 1969 to 1990 by the firm selected by A.P. Technology Services Ltd., i.e., M/s. Axivise Technologies Pvt. Ltd., with an amount of Rs. 1,68,07,280/- (Rupees One Crore Sixty Eight Lakhs Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Only) under Head of Account: 2202-02-108-04-280 289, and to furnish the SSC Student data from the year 1969 onwards to the Digilocker and to the Skill Development Training Development for the purpose of building an education profile for conducting Skill Census with the following conditions.

Restrict the miscellaneous expenses component shall be reduced to Rs.1.00 lakh.
A condition in the agreement to modify/updation of records already digitalized based on the requirement from students at free of cost for 2 years.
Ensure that sufficient quality checks are in place.
The Director of School Education and Director of Government Examinations shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly

This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (FMU-SE) Department vide their U.O.Note NoFIN01-FMU0ASD/37/2024-FMU-SE, with Computer No.2598913, Dated 15.11.2024.