Indian Constitution 75th Year Celebrations Monthly Activities 2024-25

Indian Constitution 75th Year Celebrations Monthly Activities 2024-25

Indian Constitution 75th Year Celebrations Monthly Activities 2024-25 School Education Department – Celebrations of 75th year of Constitution- conducting of year long and monthly activities – Orders Issued


School Education Department – Celebrations of  75th year of Constitution- conducting of year long and monthly activities – Orders Issued RC No.ESE02-28022/30/2024-PLG-CSE Dated: 16/12/2024


Read: –

1. Actionable points of National Democratic Alliance CM conference held on 17th October at Chandigarh.
2. This office pros. RC No. ESE02-28022/30/2024-PLG-CSE, dated 11.2024.
3. G.O.No.17-11/2023-Coord, dated 21-112024 of the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, GoI, New Delhi.


All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Co-ordinators, Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that in the reference 3rd read above, the Joint Secretary, Minister of Education, DoSE, GoI, New Delhi has informed that GoI decided to celebrate 75th year of Indian Constitution for a period of one year and instructed to organize certain activities in schools through out the year from 26-11-24 till 26-11-25.


Calendar activities for the year:


Month Activities
Round the year Identify the Constituent Assembly Members of your State.


  • Celebrate birth anniversary of the Constituent Assembly members and discuss/enact their roles, responsibilities, lifestyle etc,
  • Online quiz on DIKSHA: Students to take online quiz hosted on NCERT, DIKSHA platform. Link for quiz: https ://ncert.n


December, 2024 Wall Art:


  • Collaborative mural projects, students paint the Preamble on school walls, emphasizing its values.
  • install Selfie  Points  /  Constitution corners themed around the Constitution.


January,2O2 5  Talks / Webinars / Competitions: 

  • Guest lectures: Eminent personalities, lawyers, historians, or judges share stories about the making of the Constitution and its significance.
  • Panel discussions: Senior students moderate discussions on contemporary relevance of constitutional rights.
  • Interactive webinars: Virtual Q&A with experts about the democratic process and civic responsibilities.




Literary activities:


  • Listen & Discuss: Listen to debates of the Constituent Assembly and have discussions around them.
  • Storytelling    sessions: Narratives about significant events during the framing of the Constitution.


March, 2025 Film screening / Exhibition:


  • Movie/Video screening: Showcase movie on making of the Constitution httos://ncert.nic.connstitutiondav.pho
  • Showcase exhibition on making of the Constitution’


 April, 2025 Model Constituent Assembly/Other Competitions:


  • Role Play: Assign roles like President of the Constituent Assembly, Chairman of Drafting Committee etc. and enact them as a skit / play such as the first constituent Assembly meeting.
  • Poetry recitation: On themes of justice, liberty, fraternity etc.
  • Rangoli making: Students to make rangoli designs themed around India’s freedom struggle.


May, 2025 Art activities:


  • Drawing & slogan writing: Showcase creativity by illustrating constitutional ideals and creating impactful slogans such as “We, the People of India…”
  • Poster making: Students visually depict themes like “Equality for All” or “Our Rights, Our Pride.


June, 2025 Essay writing competition:

On one of the following topics:


  • Hamara Samvidhan,
  • Hamara Swabhiman ” or
  • “lf I was a Constitution Maker.


July, 2025 Mock Parliament:

Students debate on contemporary issues, experiencing the democratic process.



Community Awareness Activities:


  • Morning marathon/rallies: Early morning rallies with banners promoting constitutional awareness.
  • Human chains: Students form symbolic chains emphasizing unity and equality.
  • Street plays: Streat plays, highlighting constitutional rights and duties in relatable contexts.
  • Run / walk for the Constitution, half marathon etc.


September, 2025 Cultural Activities:


  • Raps / songs: Performances blending patriotism with modern beats to engage the youth.
  • Dance & fancy dress: Performances inspired by cultural diversity and unity in India.






  • Organise debate/extempore competitions among students themed around the Constitution.
  • Design bookmarks, badges, or collages inspired by the Indian Constitution.


November, 2025 Round up activities including special assemblies:


  • Morning assemblies to discuss importance of the Constitution, take pledge, discuss Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties etc.



Useful Resources for orgasining different activities are available in the following websites:


  • https:/lncert.nic.inlconstitutionday.php
  • https:/


Hence all RJDs, DEOs and APCs in the state are requested to give wide publicity to the above year long calendar activities and see that all activities to be conducted in the schools, mandals and districts on a large scale and the importance of Constitution may be wide spread in all the students and the community.

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