GIS Interest Rates Revised from April 2024 to June 2024

GIS Interest Rates Revised from April 2024 to June 2024 GIS Revised Tables G.O.Ms.No. 1 dated: 03.01.2025 GIS Revised Tables from 01.04.2024 to 30.06.2024

GIS Interest Rates Revised from April 2024 to June 2024


PUBLIC SERVICES – Employees Welfare Scheme – Andhra Pradesh State Employees Group Insurance Scheme – 1984 – Revised Rate of Interest (7.1% p.a.) w.e.f. 01.04.2024 to 30.06.2024 on accumulated Savings Fund Communication of Tables of Benefits for Savings Fund for the Period from 01.04.2024 to 30.06.2024 – Revised Tables – Orders – Issued.



Read the Following: –

  1. G.O.MS.No.293, Finance & Planning (Finance. Wing-Accts. II) Department, Dated:08.10.1984
  2. G.O.MS.No.312, Finance & Plg. (Fin. Wing. Accts.II) Department, Dated:06- 11-1984
  3. GO.MS.No.367, Finance & Planning (FW- Admn. II) Department, Dated:15- 11-1994
  4. G.O.MS.No.63, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department, Dated:26-04-2023
  5. G.O.RT.No.327, Finance (HR-III-Pension, GPFDepartment, Dated: 29-12- 2022
  6. G.O.RT.No.66, Finance (HR-III-Pension, GPFDepartment, Dated: 06-04- 2023
  7. G.O.RT.No.116, Finance (HR-III-Pension, GPFDepartment, Dated: 02-06- 2023
  8. G.O.MS.No.111, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department. Dated:17-10-2023
  9. G.O.RT.No.22, Finance (HR-III-Pension, GPFDepartment, Dated: 18-01- 2024
  10. G.O.MS.No.32, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department, Dated:16-03-2024
  11. G.O.RT.No.186, Finance (HR-III-Pension, GPFDepartment, Dated: 28-06- 2024


In the reference 1st read above, orders were issued for introducing Group Insurance Scheme to the State Government Employees in place of Family Benefit Scheme with effect from 01-11-1984. According to Para 9 of the reference 1st read above, the accumulations of Savings Fund part and Insurance Fund part shall carry interest at the rates prescribed by Government from time to time.


In the reference 2nd read above, orders were issued for apportioning the subscription of each unit of Rs.10/- between Insurance Fund and Savings Fund in the ratio of Rs.3.125/- and Rs.6.875/- respectively.


In terms of the recommendation of the Committee constituted to review the working of the Andhra Pradesh State Employees Group Insurance Scheme in Government orders 3rd read above, orders were issued for revision of rate of subscription of each unit from Rs.10/- to Rs.15/- with effect from 01-11-1994. The apportionment of the subscription of each unit Rs.15/- between Insurance Fund and Savings Fund was fixed in the ratio of Rs.4.50/- and Rs.10.50/- respectively with effect from 01-11-1994. The amount of Insurance coverage will be Rs.15,000/- for each unit of subscription.


The rate of interest on accumulations of Savings Fund of the Member of the Scheme and the interest on the Insurance Fund from time to time is as follows:


Period GIS Calculation Table
Rate of
Government Order declaring Interest
01-01-2020 to 30.06.2020 G.O.MS.No.81, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department. Dated:07-09-2020 7.1% G.O.RT.No.1689, Finance(HR-III-Pension) Department, Dated: 22-06-2020.

G.O.RT.No.1690, Finance(HR-III-Pension) G.O.RT.N0.2403, Finance(HR-III-Pension, Department, Dated: 22-06-2020.

01-07-2020 to 30-09-2020 G.O.MS.No.8, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department. Dated:22-02-2021  7.1% G.O.RT.N0.2403, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 22-09-2020.
1-10-2020 to 31.03.2021 G.O.MS.No.43, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department.
 7.1% G.O.RT.No.3060, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF)Department, Dated: 29-12-2020.

G.O.RT. No .337, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF)Department, Dated: 26-02-2021.

01.04.2021 to 30.06.2021 G.O.MS.No.74, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department. Dated:17-09-2021  7.1% G.O.RT.No.1590, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GP) Department, Dated: 01-07-2021.
01.07.2021 to 30.9.2021 & 01.10.2021 to 31.12.2021 G.O.MS.No.94, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department. Dated:09-05-2022  7.1% G.O.RT.No.1936, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 29-09-2021.

G.O.RT.No.2025, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 23-12-2021.

01-01-2022 to  31-03-2022 G.O.MS.No.177, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department. Dated:19-07-2022 7.1% G.O.RT.No.55, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 25-02-2022.
01-04-2022 to 30-09-2022 G.O.MS.No.63, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department.
 7.1%  G.O.RT.No.167, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 30-06-2022

G.O.RT.No.247, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 20-09-2022.

01-10-2022 to 30-06-2023 G.O.MS.No.111, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department.
7.1% G.O.RT.No.327, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 29-12-2022

G.O.RT.No.66, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 06-04-2023

G.O.RT.No.116, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 02-06-2023

 01-07-2023 to 31.03.2023 G.O.MS.No.32, Finance (Admn-III.DI, DSA) Department. Dated:16.03.2024 7.1 % G.O.RT. No .22, Finance(HR-III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated: 18-01-2024.


Government has constituted a committee for preparation of Tables for calendar year 2016 onwards on par with CGEGIS tables. The Committee has prepared a simplified table for maturity value of one unit for the calendar year 2016 and in Continuation of the government orders the table for 2rd Quarter of Calendar Year 2024 is prepared at the applicable interest rates 7.1% per annum.


The Sanctioning Authorities / Drawing and Disbursement Officers / Treasury Officers /District Audit Officers / Pay and Accounts Officers / Director of Works and Accounts are requested to keep in view of the appended Table while sanctioning and making the final payments under Group Insurance Scheme for proper implementation of the Scheme. The Expenditure is debatable to the following Head of Account.


8011- Insurance and Pension Funds – 107 – Group Insurance Scheme 01- State Government Employees – 001- Insurance Fund -002- Savings fund – 003- Interest from Government.


Further, the following instructions shall also be scrupulously followed:

The following standard Forms / entries are to be compulsory furnished in Service Register of the individual without fail.

  1. Entry in to the Scheme – Form No -1 and Entry in Service Register.
  2. Change in Group – Form No -2 and Entry in Service Register.
  3. Group wise Register of members maintained in Form No-8.
  4. The Nomination shall be made in Form No – 6 for Unmarried and Form No -7 for Married.
  5. Claiming of GIS:-


  • Form No. 3 for other than death
  • Form No. 5 for death


The Drawing and Disbursement Officer shall recover the correct rate of subscription according to the eligible group of employees. For any excess/less recovery, the Drawing and Disbursement Officer concerned shall be held

All the Heads of Offices should take prompt action for recording the necessary subscription entries in the Service Registers of the employees under proper attestation at the end of every Financial year and a Certificate shall be recorded in the Service Register of each employee that subscription to the Scheme at the appropriate rates have been recovered for the period from April to March. The entries shall be attested by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer.
The Head of the Department / Drawing and Disbursement Officer shall be held responsible for sanctioning the Group Insurance Scheme final payments.
If an employee’s subscription at any period if not recovered during Service, the total subscription along with interest as applicable shall be recovered from the payments admissible.
As per G.O.Ms.No.910, Finance (Admn.II) Department, Dated: 28.10.2002 “Sanctioning authority shall send a copy of sanction orders of the Group Insurance Scheme Payment including calculation slip to the Director of Insurance, Government of Andhra Pradesh, 4th Floor, Nidhi Bhavan, Mangalagiri, Guntur-522503 for Post Audit”

If any excess payment is identified, during the Post Audit conducted by the Director of Insurance, the excess amount shall be immediately recovered from the concerned party. The Director of Insurance will notify the Drawing and Disbursement Officer (DDO) to recover the amount through a CFMS challan, using the Head of Account mentioned 8011-107-01. The Drawing and Disbursement Officer must ensure that the remittance is made to the specified account and that this fact is communicated to the Director of Insurance.

If any excess Payments are found, the difference amount shall be collected from the sanctioning authority and if not such Officers are liable for disciplinary action.

The Head of the Department concerned shall take action against the erring officials who are responsible for the excess / less recoveries wherever they are

The Director of Insurance, Andhra Pradesh, Mangalagiri, Amaravathi shall conduct a regular Audit of all claims paid under Group Insurance Scheme and send a report to the Head of the Department concerned.

As per G.O.Ms.No.225, Finance (Admn.II) Department, Dated:22-06-2010 the revised pay slabs as per RPS 2010 and its Corresponding Slabs in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2015 & 2022 for Classification of Groups and Compulsory deduction of subscription units applicable to the corresponding groups as shown below.

Sl. No. Slabs of Pay under Revised Scales of Pay 2010 as per G.O.Ms.No.225 Corresponding Slabs in the Revised Scales of Pay,2015 Corresponding Slabs in the Revised Scales of Pay, 2022 Classifi cation of Groups Classific ation of Grades Units of Subscription (Rs.15/- per each unit)
1 Rs.18030-55660 35120-110850 54060-179000 A XX and above 8 Units Rs.120/-
2 Rs.11860-42590 23100-84970 35570-137220 B XIII to XIX 4 Units Rs.60/-
3 Rs.8440-33200 16400-66330 25220-107210 C VII to XII 2 Units Rs.30/-
4 Rs.6700-23650 13000-47330 20000-76730 D I to VI 1 Units Rs.15/-


In view of the above circumstances stated above and after careful examination of the matter, Government hereby order that the revised rate @7.1% p.a. 1st April 2024 on the Andhra Pradesh Group Insurance Savings Funds shall be allowed to continue up to 30-06-2024. Further, it is ordered that instructions prescribed should be followed scrupulously. The revised Table is annexed in Annexure I and some illustrations are also given in Annexure II.

Download GIS Rates, Tables upto June 2024